Twenty-eight and the lockdown

It all started when someone found two small holes through the industrial glass in the door between the hallway and the stairwell. I worked in an old building, so everything was well constructed. The building had withstood a hundred years of children, so there was the normal wear and tear, but rarely was there damage... Continue Reading →

The day Thirteen almost ended my career

While I adore 99.999% of my children, occasionally there is a child who has tested me beyond normal limits. That doesn't mean I don't like them or I can't learn from them but it is often...let's call it a more 'complex' relationship. Thirteen had pushed everyone's buttons all day. And I mean A.L.L. D.A.Y. He... Continue Reading →

Many Years Ago There Was Student One

One was exactly the kind of child who will make you love teaching middle school or leave it. He was a no holds barred, pain in the neck, always wisecracking, always 'on' kind of kid that can make you miserable if you aren't just as fast and just as funny. One and I were kindred spirits.

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