Fifteen thought he could drive

When Fifteen was in my classes he was actually 15 years old. When Fifteen turned 15 and a half he applied, and received, his learners permit. It was a little surprising but we took it in stride. Until the day we had a car parked in the crosswalk. We announced the license plate number, no... Continue Reading →

The day Thirteen almost ended my career

While I adore 99.999% of my children, occasionally there is a child who has tested me beyond normal limits. That doesn't mean I don't like them or I can't learn from them but it is often...let's call it a more 'complex' relationship. Thirteen had pushed everyone's buttons all day. And I mean A.L.L. D.A.Y. He... Continue Reading →

Number Twelve teaches me to be aware

These past two years being your student has taught me many things, but most importantly it taught me that we are the next generation, but we can’t make the future better without role models like you, from our past generation.

Ten and his trip to the United States

Ten was someone who joined my homeroom partway through the school year. He was a little older than the other students because his birthday fell after the cutoff date and he had missed at least a year of school so he was put in my grade instead of the next. He was also 'older' because of the life he lived.

Nine is late when you’re a teacher

When I was younger I had the strength to stay up late and get up early without feeling the consequences. Now that I'm closing in on 50 I don't have that kind of stamina anymore. My students do though. I'm in awe of the things they do as part of their regular day but one student, in particular, taught me about being selfless at a whole other level.

Eight and her baby

Eight was too young was all I could think. She told me she was pregnant and my first thought was that I wanted to shake her and shout 'no!' I wanted to go back in time and talk to her before that day, months earlier, that set her life on a new path. I also... Continue Reading →

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